David Frumer 1946-2003

In an interview with Shosh Maimon in Sheva Yamim
David Frumer commented on his life as an artist

. I gave up a lot in order to make art" 
Every possible deviation from this way of life I rejected.  I am an artist; it’s total.  It’s what gives life flavor

To  be an artists is a constant search; always observing, always making choices.  In the end, if one takes art making seriously, with sensitivity and openness, with the capacity to receive vibrations, then what comes out, your art, is your interpretation, and it organic to the place.  This is the sense of belonging – not a declaration that you belong, but rather just from the fact that you live here and listen here.  We take to the road, we deal with what we encounter, and we continue walking.  Curiosity is a wonderful road.  Curiosity is the most important element.  And this, I think, is what it means to be an artist
(May 14, 1991)                                                             


On the night of June 4th 2003, after having dinner with friends, David returned to his apartment in Tel Aviv. David enjoyed painting at night, and so he did during the last night of his life. The next morning, a friend who opened his door, found him dead.

He looked calm and peaceful. His hands stained red from painting: "Red Tractor Marks".
David Frumer was born and buried
in Kibutz Ramat Hakovesh.

May He Rest In Peace






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